An annual fan week dedicated to Makoto Niijima from Persona 5. Everyone is encouraged to post fanfiction, fanart, headcanons, cosplay, etc dedicated to our Queen!

Next run: October 18-24, 2921

Day 1: Senpai/Team Mom/Honor Student
Day 2: Fashion/AU/Athletics
Day 3: Friendship/Companionship/College
Day 4: Leadership/Responsibility/Strategy
Day 5: Sisterly Bonding/Father Figure/Home
Day 6: Fear/Fantasy/Adventure
Day 7: Buchmiaru/Free Day

The best way to keep updated on Makoto Week is to follow us on Twitter!

Past Weeks

Check out our Twitter moments to see all previous submissions!

You can also check out the Makoto Niijima Week tag on AO3 to find previous fics.

Past Prompts


  • Law / Black&White

  • Holiday / New Friendships

  • Team Mom / Motherhood

  • Summer / Motorcycles

  • Winter / Snow

  • Showtime / Dancing


  • Books

  • Sisters

  • What if?

  • Crime

  • Train


  • Buchimaru

  • Broadening Horizons

  • Sports / Motorsports / Martial Arts

  • Fears

  • Resolve

  • Future / Careers

  • Travel

  • Crossover


  • Strategist / Leader

  • Family / Sae

  • Friendship / Teammates

  • Past / Backstory

  • Future / Career

  • Pasttimes / Interests

  • Phantom Thief / Persona

  • AU / Fashion


  1. This event exists to celebrate Makoto through creating and sharing content about her and supporting content creators. We will not retweet or reblog content that goes against the spirit of this event.

  2. Ships are allowed, however the content should still be Makoto-centric and not include any NSFW themes.

  3. This is a NSFW-free event. No NSFW posts (involving explicit sex/porn) will be reblogged here or collected in our Twitter Moments.

  4. Any reposts of others' content we are mentioned or tagged in will not be reblogged here, and will be reported to the original creator or flagged.

  5. Make sure to use the appropriate tags for your content when you post it, including but not limited to death, injury, blood, etc. Please help people find the content they want and avoid the content they don’t!

  6. Please keep your posts and content hate-free. This includes but is not limited to hate directed at people, communities, ships, and characters.

  7. The organizers and mods are people too. We reserve the right to avoid handling the content of anyone who harasses our event or our mods.


Do I need to do all the prompts to participate?
Not at all! You may do as many or as few prompts as you like. Late submissions happily accepted!

Will you be creating an AO3 collection for the week?
Yes, once we get closer to the event date we will create a collection for your to post your fics!

Do you allow ships?
Yes, any and all ships are allowed, but we encourage that the piece still be Makoto-focused.

How do I know if I’m doing the prompt right?
We take a broad interpretation of prompts. If you believe if it fits, it’s probably fine.

We will also retweet/reblog new creations tagged #makotoniijimaweek even if they don’t fit our prompts.

What types of post are accepted?
Fanfiction, fanart, cosplays fanmixes, edits, headcanons, videos, and other content mediums that do not violate the rules (see above) and are not reposts of another person’s work will all be accepted. All submissions should be safe for work, free of hate, and original for the week (not new chapters of ongoing work).

How do you participate?
On Twitter: Tweet with the hashtag #makotoniijimaweek. We will be following that.

What is the deadline?
There is NO DEADLINE to submit content. All late content will be accepted.

Why Makoto?
Why not?

Who runs this account
This account is run by @MarieBoheme

Why isn't there a week for insert character here? It's not fair that Makoto gets her own week when MY waifu doesn't!
All fan weeks, including Makoto Week are run by individuals or teams of individuals who love that ship/character. These are not paid positions or weeks that are officially endorsed by Atlus. If you want your favorite character to have their own week, we strongly recommend you be the change you want to see in the world - go make it happen!